Even five 9-5s


Les feuilles commencent à se changer de mode. L’été – c’est du passé.

C——— came to visit this weekend. I showed her around the school and the town. She bought me some spices, and a few veggies. I still don’t have wifi at the apartment, but I own several movies, so I introduced her to some of Wes Anderson and to a beautiful Liev Schreiber film.

Mon nouveau ordinateur est arrivé il y a deux jours. Il m’a fallu jusqu’à cet après-midi pour pouvoir éditer ce site.


My ThinkPad arrived on Thursday, I got Debian installed on it Friday, and yesterday I upgraded from Buster to Bullseye because of lacking video card support. Which in turn dropped my wifi card. I have the correct drivers1, but there is no rtl8822be.ko2 to be found. So, in the meantime I’m using the Bluetooth adapter to share my phone’s data connection.

I sat outside in my rather spacious backyard most of today in the light wind and not quite chill air – seeing only my computer screen. I do have Plasma working great now. Which means that I’m pretty well set for my work. I can run Inkscape, Scribus, Reaper, and – if I’m lucky – Steam.

B-n.red means wreacording

I’ve been listening to some of the recordings I’ve made over the past three years. This evening it has been a selection from a year ago.

I nearly got run over by a lawn-mower
I nearly got run over by a gnome riding a lawn-mower
I nearly got run over by a pack of dear.
I nearly got run over, my dear.

I nearly got run over by a lawn-mower
I nearly got run over by a gnome -- riding a lawn-mower
I nearly got run over by a pack of deer, my dear.
I nearly got run over. Oh dear.

I’ve learned how to start and stop network devices with ifupdown, and how useful lspci, dmesg, and passing things to grep are. And how exactly useless it is to have all the information and not have anything change. I’ve spent a long while trying to get Debian to find my wifi card, which should be pretty simple since it’s got all the drivers and the kernel is above 4.19, which was the panacea for most people experiencing similar issues. The thing is I’m pretty certain the fix is pretty simple, but I just don’t know what it is.

Finally, however, I can get back to learning handlebars.

  1. =/lib/firmware/rtlwifi/rtl8822befw.bin ↩︎

  2. This should be a module loaded by the kernel. It ought to be found here: /lib/modules/5.2.0-3-amd64/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtlwifi/ But ls -ing that directory gives just about everything but: bash ls /lib/modules/5.2.0-3-amd64/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtlwifi/ btcoexist rtl8192c rtl8192cu rtl8192ee rtl8723ae rtl8723com rtl_pci.ko rtlwifi.ko rtl8188ee rtl8192ce rtl8192de rtl8192se rtl8723be rtl8821ae rtl_usb.ko ↩︎